Friday, January 30, 2009

twilight quotes i love

im done reading the twilight series.. i watched the movie twice, read the twilight book twice and fell in love with edward a lot of times.. if only he lives in the real world.. but then again, i would not want a bloodsucker for a boyfriend.. that would really really be scary!

a woman can only dream.. and i can only want to be somebody else's bella.

Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something.

When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

It was hard to believe that someone so beautiful could be real. I was afraid that he might disappear in a sudden puff of smoke, and I would wake up.

His voice was like melting honey. I could imagine how much more overwhelming his eyes would be.

About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was part of him — and I didn’t know how potent that part might be — that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

He grinned his crooked smile at me, stopping my breath and my heart. I couldn’t imagine how an angel could be any more glorius. There was nothing about him that could be improved upon.

I realized slowly that his words should frighten me. I waited for that fear to come, but all I could seem to feel was an ache for his pain.

Edward in the sunlight was shocking. I couldn’t get used to it, though I’d been staring at him all afternoon.

So what you’re saying is, I’m your brand of heroin?

Common sense told me I should be terrified. Instead, I was relieved to finally understand. And I was filled with compassion for his suffering, even now, as he confessed his craving to take my life.

You already know how I feel, of course. I’m here… which, roughly translated, means I would rather die than stay away from you.

I knew at any moment it could be too much, and my life could end — so quickly that I might not even notice. And I couldn’t make myself be afraid. I couldn’t think of anything, except that he was touching me.

If I’d ever feared death before in his presence, it was nothing compared to how I felt now.

Are you sure you won’t vanish in the morning? You are mythical, after all.

He laughed, and then began to hum that same, unfamiliar lullaby; the voice of an archangel, soft in my ear.

I think I forgot to breathe.

I hate to burst your bubble, but you’re really not as scary as you think you are. I don’t find you scary at all, actually.

I love you. I will always love you, no matter what happens now.

But it won’t be all right when I’m not with you.

The minutes passed and Edward’s arrival grew closer. It was amazing how every cell in my body seemed to know he was coming, to long for his coming.

This couldn’t be heaven, could it? There was too much pain for that.

Stay, Edward, stay with me…

I heard my favorite sound in the world: Edward’s quiet laugh, weak with relief.

Death shouldn’t be this uncomfortable.

Don’t forget to breathe.

He didn’t say anything; he watched my face warily as the pain that had nothing to do with broken bones, pain that was infinitely worse, threatened to crush me.

I can’t always be Lois Lane. I want to be Superman, too.

You are my life. You’re the only thing it would hurt me to lose.

If you’re waiting for me to be on my deathbed, I’ve got news for you! I was just there!

I may not die now… but I’m going to die sometime. Every minute of the day, I get closer. And I’m going to get old.

You’re talking about forever, you know.

His eyes were melting all my fury. It was impossible to fight with him when he cheated like that.

It’s not the end, it’s the beginning.

Mostly I dream about being with you forever.

I love you more than everything else in the world combined. Isn’t that enough?

and who would not fall in love with the gorgeous and dazzling edward? and a smooth talker too!

I decided as long as I was going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.

I’ve never tried to keep a specific person alive before, and it’s much more troublesome than I would have believed. But that’s probably just because it’s you. Ordinary people seem to make it through the day without so many catastrophes.

Your number was up the first time I met you.

Hadn’t you noticed? I’m breaking all the rules now.

It’s twilight. It’s the safest time of day for us. The easiest time. But also the saddest, in a way…the end of another day, the return of the night. Darkness is so predictable, don’t you think?

So you’re worried about the trouble it might cause me-if you con’t come home?

Would you understand what I meant if I said I was only human?

That is something to be afraid of, indeed. Wanting to be with me. That’s really not in you’re best interest.

I’m essentially a selfish creature. I crave your company too much to do what I should.

To me, it was like you were some kind of demon, summoned straight from my own personal hell to ruin me.

Who were you, an insignificant little girl, to chase me from the place I wanted to be?

You’re intoxicated by my very presence.

For almost ninety years I’ve walked among my kind, and yours… all the time thinking I was complete in myself, not realizing what I was seeking. And not finding anything, because you weren’t alive yet.

Just because I’m resisting the wine doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the bouquet.

You don’t realize how incredibly breakable you are. I can never, never afford to lose any kind of control when I’m with you.

I may not be a human, but I am a man.

You are utterly indecent — no one should look so tempting, it’s not fair.

Shall I explain how you are tempting me?

What am I going to do with you? Yesterday I kiss you, and you attack me! Today you pass out on me!

And you’re worried, not because you’re headed to meet a houseful of vampires, but because you think those vampires won’t approve of you, correct?

Finally, a rational response! I was beginning to think you had no sense of self-preservation at all.

I know that at some point, something I tell you or something you see is going to be too much. And then you’ll run away from me, screaming as you go. I won’t stop you. I want this to happen, because I want you to be safe. And yet, I want to be with you. The two desires are impossible to reconcile…

Damn it, Bella! You’ll be the death of me, I swear you will.

I love you. It’s a poor excuse for what I’m doing, but it’s still true.

If you let anything happen to yourself— anything at all — I’m holding you personally responsible. Do you understand that?

It’s like you’ve taken half my self away with you.

You can sleep, sweetheart, I’ll carry you.

I don’t seem to be strong enough to stay away from you, so I suppose that you’ll get your way… whether it kills you or not.

It’s possible to take bravery to the point where it becomes insanity.

Bella, we’re not having this discussion anymore. I refuse to damn you to an eternity of night and that’s the end of it.

Bella, I won’t let anything hurt you — not even yourself. I won’t let go of you once, I promise.

He called you pretty. That’s practically an insult, the way you look right now. You’re much more than beautiful.

Twilight, again. Another ending. No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end.

So ready for this to be the end, for this to be the twilight of your life, though your life has barely started. You’re ready to give up everything.

I’m not worth it.

I will stay with you — isn’t that enough?

Yes, it is enough. Enough for forever.

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